well i have been trying to fix this problem for a few days now and i still can't find the problem. my score counter wont register. for some reason it wont make the connection from my controller script and enemy script to my UI text. here is my script for both and hopefully one of you clever people can help me out.
enemy script:
#pragma strict
public var speed : int = -5;
var ScoreValue : int;
private var gameController : GameController;
function Update () {
GetComponent.().velocity.y = speed;
GetComponent.().angularVelocity = Random.Range(-30, 30);
Destroy(gameObject, 3);
function OnTriggerEnter2D(obj : Collider2D) {
var name = obj.gameObject.name;
// If it collided with a bullet
if (name == "bullet(Clone)") {
// Destroy itself (the enemy)
// And destroy the bullet
gameController.AddScore (ScoreValue);
// If it collided with the spaceship
if (name == "spaceship") {
controller script:
public var bullet : GameObject;
var scoreText : UI.Text;
private var Score : int;
function start () {
Score = 0;
UpdateScore ();
function Update() {
// Move the spaceship horizontally
GetComponent.().velocity.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * 17;
// X axis limits
if (transform.position.x <= -5.5f) {
transform.position = new Vector2(-5.5f, transform.position.y);
}else if (transform.position.x >= 5.5f)
transform.position = new Vector2(5.5f, transform.position.y);
//When the spacebar is pressed
if (Input.GetKeyDown("space")) {
// Create a new bullet at "transforn.position"
// Which is the currecnt position of the ship
Instantiate(bullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
function AddScore (newScoreValue : int) {
Score += newScoreValue;
UpdateScore ();
function UpdateScore () {
scoreText.text = "Score: " + Score;